A vacation can be really good for you


School's out, the sun's bright, and it's time for a vacation. Your heart and mind may thank you.

Research indicates that breaking away from a stressful daily routine for a vacation has tangible health benefits - fewer cardiovascular problems, less depression and stress and better overall well-being. The conclusion comes with a caveat, however: the difficulty in separating the vacation variable from other factors affecting health.

"People who choose to have or are able to have more vacation may be different from people who can't," said Anand Rohatgi, a preventive cardiologist and associate professor of medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. "It may be related to job status or financial status, not just about the vacation itself."

Nevertheless, Rohatgi said he counsels patients, especially those with heart problems, to reduce their stress, with time off as part of that strategy.

"Stress can raise your blood pressure, it can raise your pulse, it can lead to arrhythmia or make any of those conditions worse, and make them harder to manage," he said. "There are clear cardiovascular implications of maintaining balance and diminishing stress. You need to do that on some level on a daily basis, but vacations are a nice way to fully unplug and disengage."

Fully unplugging is the key.

"You need to use that vacation properly," Rohatgi said. "Even when you do take time off, you can still be on your screen with constant phone calls and email. Spending time somewhere else but still checking in all the time may diminish the value you think you're getting."

Balance is also important. A sabbatical with lots of fresh air and vigorous hikes may have a healthier impact than an unlimited food-and-drink cruise or replenishing the cola and chips at every gas stop.

"Sometimes we have a tendency to go away and feel it's all or nothing," said Andrea D'Ambrosio, a dietitian and nutrition coach in Kitchener, Ontario. "We tell ourselves, 'I can't have it at home but when I go away there's unlimited drinks and buffets so I'm just going to gorge myself.'

"The goal is to try to make your vacation similar to your normal eating habits." For example, she said, maintain regularly scheduled meals four to six hours apart and pack healthy snacks "so you're not over-hungry at any given time."

Even so, D'Ambrosio knows food is a cherished part of any vacation.

"If you go to Italy, enjoy the pasta and the wine," she said. But she also advises keeping a healthy balance and limiting liquid calories "because they're sneaky. We're more likely to consume liquid calories like alcohol and sugary beverages than food calories."
Home or away, moderation is key.

"Vacations are just part of the total holistic package" for health, Rohatgi said. "Managing stress and diet and exercise are always going to be key."